Moving Industry Start-Up


3 Month


10+ API Integrations

Team Size:

3 People



Company Profile

Competition across the global moving industry is
fierce, dominated by large companies looking to
compete on price and distinguish themselves on the
range of services offered. Our client, a startup in the
industry, looked to disrupt current approaches
incumbent market leaders use to acquire customers
by deploying a customer acquisition operation and
strategy that is far more data-driven than any of the
industry market leaders.

The Problem

The client required a re-imagined data strategy to be the centerpiece of a new sustainable competitive advantage. However, the company’s ability to develop, and deploy, a new data strategy faced a few challenges: their data engineering and business intelligence teams had limited expertise in data integration and diagnostics analytics tools and with a lack of alignment between current business intelligence operations and its strategic objectives limited the company’s ability to remain agile in the marketplace.

The Skylab74 Solution

Skylab74 developed a suite of extract, load, transform (ELT) pipeline jobs moving the client’s raw data into a single data warehouse, leveraging a SaaS data management tool. The team also constructed a customized suite of diagnostics tools and descriptive analytics reports to allow for enhanced performance tracking and facilitate faster more robust data analysis, discovery and mining. Not only is the improved system a set of fully automated jobs that requires minimal resources to maintain, but the accuracy and completeness of the data has left leadership, and key stakeholders, confident it is getting a precise, holistic view of business performance.
"The accuracy and completeness of the data has left leadership, and key stakeholders, confident they are getting a precise, holistic view of business performance.”

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